All raw materials used by ALLER AQUA are sourced according to the Sustainable Sourcing Policy. Raw materials that represent more than 1% are sourced as follows:
Fishmeal is sourced from Denmark, Iceland, Estonia, Faroe Island, Norway, Chile, and Ecuador and originates from:
88.4% whole fish and 11.6% trimmings
FAO 27: Blue Whiting, Sprat, Heering, Argentine, Mackerel, mixed species (only trimmings)
FAO 48: Antarctic krill
FAO 87: Anchovy, White leg shrimp
Aquaculture: Salmon
Fish oil is sourced from Denmark, Germany, Faroe Island, and Norway and originates from 26.1% whole fish and 83.9% trimmings:
FAO 27: Mackerel, Sprat, Herring, Blue Whiting, Norway Pout
FAO 87: Anchovy, Mackerel
Aquaculture: Salmon
All whole fish are categorized according to ASC Feed standard v.1.01. Majority Sustainability Level: Baseline.
Wheat is sourced and originates from Denmark. Organic wheat is sourced in Denmark and Germany and originates from Denmark and Czech Republic.
Wheat gluten is sourced from Denmark, Poland, and Switzerland and originates from Czech Republic, Netherlands, and Poland.
Soy is sourced from Denmark, Germany, Finland, Luxemburg, Hungary, and originates from Germany, Finland, Hungary, EU, and Russia. All Soy is certified EuropeSoy.
Sunflower is sourced and originates from Hungary.
Corn gluten is sourced in Switzerland and originates from Europe.
Rapeseed is sourced from Denmark and originates from Denmark.
Pea is sourced from Denmark and Germany and originates from Germany, Netherlands, and Norway.
Horsebeans are sourced and originate from Denmark.