
Primary raw materials


All raw materials used by ALLER AQUA are sourced according to the Sustainable Sourcing Policy. Raw materials that represent more than 1% are sourced as follows:

Marine Ingredients:

Fishmeal is sourced from Denmark, Iceland, Estonia, Faroe Island, Norway, Chile, and Ecuador and originates from:

  • 88.4% whole fish and 11.6% trimmings

  • FAO 27: Blue Whiting, Sprat, Heering, Argentine, Mackerel, mixed species (only trimmings)

  • FAO 48: Antarctic krill

  • FAO 87: Anchovy, White leg shrimp

  •  Aquaculture: Salmon

Fish oil is sourced from Denmark, Germany, Faroe Island, and Norway and originates from 26.1% whole fish and 83.9% trimmings:

  • FAO 27: Mackerel, Sprat, Herring, Blue Whiting, Norway Pout

  • FAO 87: Anchovy, Mackerel

  • Aquaculture: Salmon

All whole fish are categorized according to ASC Feed standard v.1.01. Majority Sustainability Level: Baseline.

Plant Ingredients:

  • Wheat is sourced and originates from Denmark. Organic wheat is sourced in Denmark and Germany and originates from Denmark and Czech Republic.

  • Wheat gluten is sourced from Denmark, Poland, and Switzerland and originates from Czech Republic, Netherlands, and Poland.

  • Soy is sourced from Denmark, Germany, Finland, Luxemburg, Hungary, and originates from Germany, Finland, Hungary, EU, and Russia. All Soy is certified EuropeSoy.

  • Sunflower is sourced and originates from Hungary.

  • Corn gluten is sourced in Switzerland and originates from Europe.

  • Rapeseed is sourced from Denmark and originates from Denmark.

  • Pea is sourced from Denmark and Germany and originates from Germany, Netherlands, and Norway.

  • Horsebeans are sourced and originate from Denmark.