
Production of organic fish feed

Organic production of high-quality fish feed for aquaculture

Production of organic fish feed

All production of organic feed for aquaculture is in accordance with:

  • Council Regulation (EF) nr. 834/2007 of 28th June 2007 concerning organic production and labeling of organic products

  • Commission Regulation (EF) nr. 889/2008 concerning implementation of Council Regulation (EF) nr. 834/2007 organic production and labeling organic products, in regard to organic production, labeling, and control

  • Consolidation Act 416 of 3rd May 2011 of the Organic Law.

Organic fish feed from Aller Aqua

Aller Aqua has been approved by the Danish Agricultural Agency under the Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark with authorization nr.: 1087354. The authorization includes the following product categories: Compound feeds for fish. The authorization, therefore, includes the following activities:

  • Treatment

  • Production (milling, mixing, bagging)

  • Storage (of raw materials and finished goods)

  • Sales (labeling and transport)

  • Export to third countries

The production of feed for organic aquaculture requires documented procedures and processes in the company, such as purchase and supplier control, receipt of goods, production, labeling, and sales. In addition, cleaning processes and cleaning batch are documented before receipt of goods and production respectively. Quality control is carried out of both raw materials and the finished product.

Aller Aqua is subjected to yearly regulatory requirements, which leads to an authorization for organic production.