
Dentists without Limits Federation visited Aller Aqua Zambia

Access to dental care in rural Zambia is virtually non-existent. The lack of treatment of dental problems can have a severe negative impact on a person’s livelihood and can in worst case lead to chronic pain and affect his/her ability to perform a job and earn a living.

Research Manager Sub-Sahara Africa / Quality Assurance Manager Aller Aqua Zambia, Alexander Michael Greiling, had organised the visit in collaboration with Hermann Striedl, who is the Regional Project Manager for Dentists without Limits Federation (DWLF) based in Siavonga.

Dentist Christoph Rathje from DWLF examined the teeth of all those of our Zambian colleagues who were present on the day. Aller Aqua Zambia even included casual employees in the programme.

Alexander M. Greiling explains: “At Aller Aqua Zambia we want to show that we go beyond the minimum requirements in terms of renumeration. The care we show our employees is paid back in job dedication. It has been a great day, and Cristoph has done an amazing job. He has barely had a break all day to attend as many of our employees as possible.”

Christoph spent a full day at Aller Aqua Zambia, and in the course of the day extracted 30 teeth and carried out several repairs and fillings. He was positively surprised to find that 50% of the examined employees did not have a single cavity. All participants were given a note indicating remaining issues to be attended to. Due to the large number of employees, patients needing immediate attention were prioritised.

After the examination Aller Aqua Zambia donated 1000 Zambian Kwatcha to DWLF, who will use the donation to help establish dental clinics in Southern Zambia.

We hope that DWLF will be visiting Aller Aqua again to follow up on further employees and ensure ongoing treatment.