
Giving hope in a drought - The Aller Aqua Zambia garden project

A symbol of hope, good health and well-being, and the determination to create a sustainable community where workers can be healthy and thrive.

In 2023, the gardening team, through the vision of Dr. Alexander Greilling and his research officer, Clinton Simunkulya, imagined that they had achieved a feat when they harvested 5,120kg of fruits and vegetables from more than 110 beds that had started as 38 just the year before when they converted an unused piece of land within the factory premises into a garden project.

In 2024, with their sheer determination, despite the drought suffered across Southern Africa, the team became an icon of hope and better nutrition for our factory workers in Zambia.

The garden standing on a 3700m2 produced over 10,800kg of fruits and vegetables, including, Beetroot, Bulb Onion, Butternut, Carrot, Cauliflower, Cherry Tomato, Chilli, Chinese Cabbage, Cucumber, Eggplant, Green Bean, Green Pepper, Herbs, Impwa, Okra, Papaya, Pumpkin leaves, Rape, Spinach, Spring Onion, Sweet Potato, Sweet Potato leaves, and Watermelon, all of which was provided to the factory canteen as vegetables cooked into staff meals at lunchtime.

Despite the drought spell in the year, the garden provided over 350kg more than the fruit and vegetables required at the canteen. This surplus was shared with employees, allowing them to take fresh, homegrown produce back to their families to enjoy in a time of scarcity in Zambia.

In 2024, the team also expanded its commitment to sustainability by planting an additional 26 trees to 22 trees already planted in 2023, reinforcing the goal of enhancing biodiversity. The chosen trees were indigenous trees like sausage trees (Kigelia africana (Lam.)) and neem trees (Azadirachta indica). The team also planted 5 granadilla shrubs (Passiflora ligularis), which are helping stabilise composts and supplying everyone with their vitamin-rich fruits.

To achieve this feat, the team also erected a 4m2 hut to serve as its nursery, where they sprout seeds before planting them in the garden. This addition drastically improved efficiency, ensuring higher yields from the crops.

Dr. Alexander can barely believe what his vision has become. He proudly says, “This is simply outstanding! The nursery and trays were built from scrap material only, which demonstrates the creativity of the Garden Team and their willingness to improve further. We have produced a total of 16 tons over the past two years and seem to still be able to improve.”

You can view the lush green garden in the middle of brown, dusted, and drought-parched land here.

It is a symbol of hope, good health and well-being, and the determination to create a sustainable community where workers can be healthy and thrive.

For Dr. Alexander Greilling, it is a step towards achieving more sustainable development goals in his environment. He is focused on ensuring zero hunger, good health and well-being of factory workers, and a responsible consumption and production approach.

With drought over and rains falling again, the garden team is excited about the possibilities of what they can achieve in 2025.